Monday, October 20, 2008

JDeveloper/ADF 11g Masterclass in Latvia

If you are Oracle Developer, and live in Latvia, you can register to attend Oracle Forms: The Road to SOA workshop in Riga city on October 28th.

Workshop will be based on two parts, during the first part - Grant Ronald (Group Product Manager in Oracle) will deliver one session about Oracle Forms strategy and second about JDeveloper/ADF. On the second part of this workshop, you will dive into detail technical information, it will be JDeveloper/ADF 11g Masterclass delivered by me. Masterclass will be done in similar way, as it was done in Vilnius - JDeveloper 11g Masterclass in Vilnius - After Event. However, described techniques and material will be different and updated. I will show how developers can work with:
  • ADF Business Components new features in 11g
  • ADF Templates
  • ADF Task Flows
  • Regions and Page Fragments
  • ADF Faces Rich Client
  • ADF Data Visualization Components (including Oracle Geographic Maps)
  • ADF Security
I will be happy to share and discuss my experience in Oracle Forms modernization I'm doing with JDeveloper/ADF 11g and Oracle Fusion Middleware.

See you there !

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