Sunday, December 7, 2008

After UKOUG'08

This week I was on UKOUG'08 conference. I really have enjoyed high quality of its content and I have learned new technical things about JDeveloper/ADF 11g and ADF Business Components performance tuning.

Myself, I did two sessions. First one was - Oracle Maps and JDeveloper 11g - Perfect Combination. It was Masterclass type demo on the fly, I have developed working application in front of auditory. And, there was no errors or exceptions, I really enjoy such kind of sessions. I believe I can better share knowledge with live demo, comparing to dead slides. And most important, auditory likes such kind of sessions.

Second session was - ADF Task Flow - Based On Practical JDeveloper 11g Experience. For this session I was using already prepared sample application and have described how it was build. Again, there was no errors or exceptions on runtime. I was focusing on ADF Task Flow functionality we are using in my project, I didn't wanted to explain all ADF Task Flow features. I have covered following items:
  1. Method Call
  2. Router
  3. Transaction Management
  4. Error Handling
  5. ADF Library
  6. ADF Query
  7. ADF Security
Spanish Summary:

Titulo: Después del evento del Grupo de Usuarios del Reino Unido

Resumen: Andrejus describe su participación en el último UKOUG, el cual es un evento realizado por el grupo de usuarios de Inglaterra.

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