Friday, July 3, 2009

Oracle ADF 11g Release 1 - Runtime Page Load Performance Improved !

Since yesterday, when Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g became available, I have done quite extensive testing on previously known ADF problematic areas.

Cool thing is that page load time even for complex pages is much faster now on runtime. Its because previously on page load, SQL queries for all available LOV components were sent to database. So, if page contains 20 LOV components, means 20 SQL statements were sent to database, it was killing performance especially when working on larger datasets. Now its fixed, and on page load SQL queries for LOV components are not pre-executed anymore - only main SQL statement is executed. Means - page load performance improved significantly.

In my next post I will describe how to tune your ADF application design in order to get high performance in CRUD applications.


  1. Hello,

    We are using Jdev

    In ADF application jsff page, we have 10 LOV fields in the page, each having more than 8000 values. The page is extremly slow while loading it. When we remove all the SelectOneChoice and run the page, it is lighting fast.

    But in your blog post, you had mentioned that 11g is not executing the LOV queries on page load.

    Is there any configuration that we need to do in Application that we will fetch the LOV values on demand, so that the page load is faster?


  2. Are you using "Choice List" or "Input Text with List of Values"?


  3. Hi Andrejus,

    Pls explain the case difference while using the Choice List" and "Input Text with List of Values" w.r.t performance. I am also facing the same performance issue.

  4. This is simple:

    - Choice List - data is fetch on page load
    - LOV - data is fetched only when user opens actual LOV popup


  5. Hi Andrews,

    I am loading a page which has 4 LOV attributes. These 4 LOV attributes are having Query Criteria and Display criteria. Query Automatically mode is also disabled for the view criterias.
    I am facing an issue like, blind query is executed for for all the 4 LOVs on Page load.
    In jsff Page, I have mapped LOVs for inputComboboxListOfValues.

    Kibdly help. Why the blind queries are executed for the LOVs on Page Load?
