Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Red Samurai Consulting - First Project Reference

On Oracle JDeveloper / ADF Customers list, MedNet International Ltd. (MNI) project profile with credits to Red Samurai Consulting was listed today.

Customer - MedNet International Ltd. (MNI), is doing Oracle Forms 6i re-write project to Oracle Fusion 11g. I'm happy to be a part of this project and provide Oracle Fusion 11g consulting.

I will describe technical aspects of Oracle Forms to Oracle Fusion 11g conversion during my Oracle OpenWorld 2009 session on Oracle Develop track - Oracle OpenWorld San Francisco 2009.


  1. Congrats...Great one.


  2. Hi Andrejus,

    Congratulations on that!

    It would be very interesting to read more about the story - the whole process/methodology you used... maybe published in Oracle Magazine


  3. Hi Branislav,

    I'm now in the process of writing technical article for OTN, where I'll describe how to do and how not to do things in conversion projects. Also I'll provide technical samples.

