Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hint for Oracle ADF Application Deployment on WebLogic Managed Server

In production, usually no one is using WebLogic Admin server for application deployments - thats logical. All enterprise applications should be deployed on WebLogic Managed server. During deployment on Managed Server, I have faced small issue - ADF 11g R1 libraries were not found. However, I have resolved this quite easily, will describe how.

First, let's describe scenario:
  1. I have installed WebLogic Server 11g R1
  2. Configured WebLogic Server Admin domain (develop_domain) and extended it with JRF (Java Required Files - ADF libraries) and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g
  3. I have created Managed server - dev_server. I will deploy there my ADF application
All the steps seems okej, I can start with ADF application deployment on Managed Server dev_server:

But, during deployment process I'm getting following error - unresolved application library references for

Thats can look strange, because my Admin Server is enabled with ADF libraries, but still Managed Server gives deployment error. Ok, let's Undo changes done during failed deployment:

I have resolved this problem quite easily - just opened Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g console. There you can find a list of develop_domain servers - Admin Server (AdminServer) and Managed Server (dev_server). Open details screen for Managed Server and you will see option to apply - JRF Template for this server. Its exactly what I was looking for:

After JRF Template was applied for Managed Server, Oracle ADF application deployment on this server was successful as well:


  1. Thanks for giving in detail information about application deployment.

  2. Good day, I am presently trying to set up a weblogic production server for deployment of a live enterprise application. I have created an admin server and 1 managed server on oracle enterprise linux. However, when trying to start up the servers by running the file i get a security exception. From my research i have discovered that certain security configurations must be made to the production environment before the server will start, however most documents i have encountered so far, including those from Oracle's website do not go into detail on how to set up the production server security. As such, i would really appreciate it if you can help me in any way possible with the configurations for the server. I am using the latest version weblogic 10.3.2. Thanks for your help , looking forward to some advice. Take care !

  3. Thanks, this information has been very useful

  4. I trying to install Weblogic server on Linux and deploy an application to Managed Server. When I try to do a deploy I'm getting [J2EE:160149]Error while processing library references. Unresolved application library references, defined in weblogic-application.xml: [Extension-Name:, exact-match: false].
    I dont have Enterprise manager nor the means to install it now. I've installed ADF libraries for Linux as mentioned in post on page
    I also installed ADF as part of install of Jdeveloper installation as mention in
    Can you please offer some advice. I'm not able to deploy to Admin server even.

  5. Hi,

    Despite of following all the steps I get the below error when I try deploy ADF application to the weblogic server.

    Servlet: "weblogic.wsee.jaxws.client.async.AsyncTransportProvider" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "TestApplication-ViewController-context-root".

    Can you please guide on how to resolve this issue?


  6. Thanks Man. Resolved my problem :)

  7. Please Help Me !
    I created an application with JDeveloper11.1.2.2 .
    I can deploy this app to a *.ear file .
    I can not deploy this *.ear file to weblogic .

    in JDeveloper11.1.1 I use the following commands to create a *.ear file easily without any error :
    1.Right click on Application drop down select Application properties
    2.Click on Deployment
    3.Uncheck “Auto Generate and Synchronize weblogic-jdbc.xml Descriptors During Deployment”

    But in JDeveloper11.1.2.2 I couldn’t find the last mentioned check box.

  8. Hi,

    Just click on WebLogic under Deployment.


  9. Hello Andrejus:
    Thank you very much for this information. Please can you tell me, how this is done in weblogic 12c?
    Thanks again.

