Friday, September 11, 2009

Oracle ADF 11g Production Project Experience on Oracle Open World 2009

I'm ready with my preparations for Oracle OpenWorld 2009. I'll have session there on Oracle Develop: Oracle Fusion Development track - Oracle JDeveloper/Oracle ADF 11g Production Project Experience. I will participate in Oracle SOA & BPM Partner Advisory Council in Oracle HQ.

During my session I will talk on following topics:
  • Project Reference
  • Sample Development Time Estimation
  • Development Best Practices
  • Quality Extension
  • Team Development
  • Lessons Learned
I should say, it will not be regular marketing type project case presentation - I will not demo application screens. Main focus will be on how we did it - I will talk about and show applied project packaging structure, will describe how we did performance tuning and finally how we have splitted our application into smaller parts in order to boost development performance. I will demo and describe each of those solutions.

I will cover JDeveloper 11g extension we have implemented for Quality Control in ADF projects. You will see how we are validating groups of ADF files against specific quality rules.

At the end I will describe how we are using JDeveloper 11g SVN client for successful team development.

I will be happy to see you and answer questions on my Oracle Develop session:

Sunday 11-OCT-2009 13:15 - 14:15, Hilton Hotel, Imperial Ballroom B
Session Id S307721


  1. Very interesting, I wish I could be at your presentation. Will look forward for the slides.


  2. Hi Seb,

    I will be happy to send my slides with sample apps.


  3. very interesting. Can you please send reference or documents related to how to improve performance of ADF application or tune ADF application to get maximum scalability.


  4. Hi,

    You can download my slides for this presentation from here:

    For more info, drop me an email.


  5. Can you try calling simple Business rules service from While loop in the Bpel? This is throwing Index0, Size 0 error..for loop count>=2 but working for the first call.

  6. Would be great, if you could log this on our bug tracker -

    Thanks !

