Friday, December 11, 2009

ADF Security Across Multiple WebLogic Managed Servers

While working with ADF Security I have noticed interesting behavior - if multiple applications are deployed on the same Managed Server, its enough to authenticate and authorize once and then security context will be transfered to another applications (something similar to Single-Sign-On). However, if same applications are deployed on different Managed Servers - user will be asked to enter login credentials again. Let's show this by examples.

I have created Countries application, where I have defined developer and support Application Roles:

Second application - Locations, contains only developer role:

I have configured two managed servers - dev1 and dev2:

Countries application is deployed on dev1:

While Location application is deployed on dev2:

Now I login into Countries with user scott/welcome1:

Both authentication and authorization is successful:

From the same Web browser session I open second application called Locations, and I will be asked now for username and password again:

Let's change target deployment for Locations application to dev1, same target where Countries are deployed:

Now Locations will be opened within the same browser session without asking to provide username/password again:

If I would try to login into Countries with another user, who is assigned with support role, but not developer role:

I will get authorization error while trying to open Locations:


  1. Hello,

    do you have any link to easily configure a managed web server to run ADF Applications???

    Creating a Server is easy but how to configure it to essentially run my ADF app???


  2. Hi Renan,

    Hope this will help -


  3. Thanks for the answer, it will help me in the future but now I'm getting some Authentication error when trying to start the server by StartManagedServer.cmd...

    How did you created a managed Server without specifying a machine???

    I'm getting a error message when trying to start my newly created server by Admin Console:
    "This server is not associated to a Machine"

  4. You are implementing cluster?


  5. No, I'm running everything in StandAlone mode...
    It worked for me now, but I created a Machine and opened the NodeManager, so I can start the Application.

    By command-line(StartManagedServer.cmd server http://localhost:7003/) I'm getting a Security Error that I can't figure out. Tried the thing but doesn't seens to work.

    Do you need to start NodeManager every time you want to start ManagerServer ??? I get a PermGen error every time I execute a task on it(on Managed Server, like app deploy or undeploy)


  6. I finally deployed my second app to my managed server BUT I can't get authorization to see any page on managed server, only on default server(I choose to target two servers) even using anonymous-role on jazn-data.xml I get error 401 on my ManagedServer...

    I deployed the JDBC(the one that is used in the Authentication Provider) to the other server too...

    I don't know what is hapenning, I'm using SQLAuthenticator as my Provider to log-in.

  7. Hi,

    Does it work for you with Default Authenticator? You getting error only with SQL Authenticator?


  8. Hello,

    Is there a way to propagate the security context across the managed servers? I have two apps deployed in different managed servers and want to setup authentication between them.


  9. Hi Andrejus,
    Is there a way to propagate the security context across the managed servers?
    I have three apps deployed in different managed servers. I can login to the main app (menu app) and I can open the other app without problem (in new tab A). Then I open the third app (new tab B), and opens ok. But If I get focus to the second app (tab A), a session expired alert pops up.

    Thank you.

  10. @Juan,
    I have the same problem, with ADF
    Two ADF secured applications, deployed on separate managed server.
    @Andrejus, any solution for this?
