Wednesday, December 2, 2009

JDeveloper 11g IDE Thumbnail Feature for ADF Task Flow Call

There is one very useful feature in JDeveloper 11g related to ADF Task Flows, but it is a bit hidden from the user. Probably everyone have noticed, in the latest JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1 you can directly click on the page in ADF Task Flow and will get thumbnail displayed:

Same thing works for ADF Task Flow call, just you can't get it by simply clicking on activity itself, you need to right click and invoke thumbnail from the menu:

Finally, you will get called ADF Task Flow preview:

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    the thumbnail also pops up if you press (& hold) the Shift key and mouse over the taskflow call or view activity. This is really nice from a usability point of view.

