Friday, May 21, 2010

Oracle OpenWorld 2010 - Developing Large Oracle ADF 11g Applications

My session (S313355 - Developing Large Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Applications) is accepted for Oracle OpenWorld 2010 in San Francisco. This session will be based on customer case from one of my current projects.

Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) is an end-to-end development framework that offers unparalleled productivity for application developers.

This session will show how data passivation and activation should be managed in large applications and demonstrated different UI Shell templates for separate Oracle ADF applications integration. Based on personal experience from retail industry projects, the speaker will describe how Oracle ADF applications can be tuned for the best runtime performance and show how developers can apply Oracle ADF architecture best practices. There will also be multiple demos about Oracle ADF Task Flows and Libraries usage for application integration and reusability.

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