Monday, July 5, 2010

ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 - Feedback

I was busy on ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 conference this week in Washington DC. It was pretty good technical level conference with lots of material for SOA/BPM/ADF field as well. I was delivering my session there - Developing Large ADF 11g Applications. I'm not uploading my slides, because there is simply nothing to upload, as my usual style - I was doing lots of technical live demos and explanations. If you are interested, I was talking based on following blog posts - Integration.

Let me tell you briefly what sessions I found interesting and what I have learned new.

1. Oracle ACE Director briefing. While I'm not allowed to tell any news from this briefing on public, I can tell you - many improvements and exciting new features are coming in next JDeveloper 11g and Oracle Enterprise Eclipse Pack releases. ADF EMG statistics were presented on this session as well.

2. SOA and BPM Symposium on Sunday. Was great day, with good technical content and workshops. Probably, the most useful for me was - What is SOA Full Lifecycle? presentation delivered by ACE Directors Hajo Normann and Torsten Winterberg. They gave excellent theoretical overview and did couple of practical demos with new Oracle BPM 11g studio using JDeveloper 11g.

3. Creating SOA Composite Applications with ADF and SOA Suite 11g by Juan Ruiz. Juan is Senior Product Manager from Oracle JDeveloper 11g team. His session was packed with practical examples and lots of people were attending as well. Once again I saw how Oracle ADF brings all Oracle Fusion products together, by implementing rich UI functionality.

4. BPM in 2010 - Myths and Reality by ACE Director Hajo Normann. Was very well explained the difference between complete SOA and BPM approaches.

5. BPM - The Business Face of SOA by ACE Director Mark Simpson. Mark have explained his experience implementing SOA projects. Especially well he have explained most typical business challenges when adopting SOA architecture.

6. How to Hack an ADF Application by ACE Director Anton Nielsen. Session title sounds scary, but good news from this session - ADF framework is un-hackable. As speaker said, only intentional developer implemented bad practice can cause problems, speaker didn't found hackable holes in ADF framework. Hmm..., may be session title should be changed then? :)

7. WebLogic Server for ADF and Oracle Forms 11g Developers by Mark Prichard from Oracle. Really cool presenter, I enjoyed this session and learned new things about shared libraries on WebLogic server.

8. Attention Oracle Developers: Find those Java Memory Leaks Fast ! by Mark Prichard from Oracle. Second part of session from point #7. I have learned useful stuff about JRockit Mission Control for WebLogic Server performance monitoring and about new tool called - Flight Recorder. It will allow to record WebLogic Server statistics and review them easily even after server crash.

9. Rapid Development for Mobile Devices with Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF by Duncan Mills from Oracle. It was good demo about how to use ADF Mobile and develop apps for small screens.

10. What Makes a Service a Good Service? by ACE Director Torsten Winterberg. One more good session about SOA with indepth architect type information about how to implement and orchestrate your services.

11. Derisk Your SOA - Traps You Should be Aware Of by ACE Director Matjaz Juric. Very good presentation especially for those people, who are planning to adopt SOA, you can learn a lot from first hand experience. Matjaz was giving many examples of successful and failed SOA implementations along with explanations why it was success or failure.

12. Oracle JDeveloper 11g JAX-WS Web Services - As Easy As 1-2-3 - XSD, WSDL, Generate! by ACE Director Chris Muir. Yeah, even this session title sounds as very complex one, Chris was explaining JDev/WS related stuff in very clear way, with lots of technical demos - kudos for this.

This conference had much more interesting sessions, if I don't mention them - it is only because I wasn't able to attend some of them.

See you on Oracle Open World 2010 in San Francisco !

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