Monday, October 4, 2010

Book Review - Quick Start Guide to Oracle Fusion Development

This weekend I was reading Grant Ronald's book - Quick Start Guide to Oracle Fusion Development. What is really important, this book not only gives quick start information, it is also written in clear and easy to understand language. I really enjoyed this author approach, because while doing Oracle Fusion trainings to different customers, I understood how it is important to express yourself in clear and simple way. Combination of technical topics with clear explanation always gives great results.

In my opinion, this book will be perfect after training material. From my experience, usually there is so called quiet time period after training and before first project. During that time, people who are new to ADF, tend to forget that knowledge they got during training. This book will be ideal to refresh forgotten knowledge.

Grant's Quick Start Guide to Oracle Fusion Development book explains key topics of ADF framework - building business services, building the user interface and shows common coding patterns. I remember, we were discussing with Grant, what ADF examples can be included into common coding patterns chapter. I'm glad to see some of them survived until published book version :)

I know one developer, who is working with .NET, he is very enthusiastic to learn Oracle Fusion and ADF technologies. However, he doesn't have enough time to read thousands of pages of Developer's Guide. I believe, this book will be great kick start for him, and I'm sure - many others.

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