Saturday, January 29, 2011

WebCenter Spaces PS3 - Discussion Server Plug and Play

I'm positively surprised about how much is simplified Discussion Server configuration with WebCenter Spaces PS3. Almost one year ago I was blogging about Discussion Server setup with WebCenter Spaces PS2 - WebCenter 11g Discussion Service in Oracle ADF, honestly it was a bit of nightmare to setup all these security certificates and make it work properly. You can forget this now, setup processes is simplified to the minimum and can be completed in few minutes. I will walk you through Discussion Server setup with WebCenter Spaces PS3 and will give few hints for WebCenter PS3 setup on Oracle XE database, where you had previously installed PS2 RCU schemas.

In my case, after WebCenter Spaces PS3 setup was completed (I'm using Oracle XE with proper parameters for Oracle Fusion installation), WebCenter Managed Server was starting with MDS PL/SQL error - MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED package is missing (this error is happening after you drop PS2 RCU schemas and install PS3 on the same database). I have fixed this error, by opening DEV_MDS schema and recompiling problematic package - it was compiled successfully. If you will face same problem with MDS PL/SQL package, try to recompile it same as I did:

You can recompile PL/SQL package inside DEV_MDS schema directly from JDeveloper:

WebCenter Spaces PS3 Managed Server should start without errors - up and running:

Thats only one configuration issue I have faced, the rest was working all smooth. To configure Discussion Server with WebCenter Spaces PS3, open Oracle Enterprise Manager and go to WebCenter Spaces PS3 Service Configuration:

Select Discussions and Announcements from the list:

Provide following Discussion Server configuration parameters:

Connection Name: DiscussionsServer (or other name)
Active Connection: Yes
Server URL: (change according your environment)
Administrator User Name: weblogic
Authenticated User Web Service Policy URI: WSS 1.0 SAML Token Client Policy
Public User Web Service Policy URI: None

Authenticated User Web Service Policy URI allows to authenticate from WebCenter Spaces PS3 to Discussion Server without defining security certificates.

Its time to open WebCenter Spaces PS3, product load time performance simply can't be compared with previous release PS2 (huge performance improvements in PS3). I personally prefer to set Fusion Side Navigation model for WebCenter Spaces PS3, this will allow to render WebCenter Spaces user interface environment similar to Facebook - change Default Page Template through Configuration settings:

WebCenter Spaces PS3 landing page - looks cool:

Let's create new Space for Discussion service:

Select predefined Discussion Site template for newly defined Space:

We can post forum questions now directly from WebCenter Spaces portal:

Post answers as well to the forum associated with Red Samurai Support Space:

The same forum can be opened and viewed directly from Discussion Server:

Discussion group was automatically created and associated with our Space, we can see this from Discussion Task Flow path:

Facebook type announcement service displays recent activity from Red Samurai Support Space:


  1. andrejus,
    for me i created public and private spaces both , but discussion was not coming as you described in last 2 steps of this blog.


  2. May be you can check, if Forum is really available and was auto created on Discussion Server ?


  3. Hi Andrejus,

    Thanks for the post. I need some information on WebCenter Spaces.

    By default there are couple of parameters such as Space name, description, tag, url, status (Public, Private) etc. is required to create the Space with the Out-of-the-box screen in Spaces. But we have a requirement to create Group Space with some additional parameters too.

    I am finding a solution for that. Can we build a task flow with all the parameters that we need to create the Spaces ? If that is possible, can we use Spaces API to create the space and then deploy that task flow in Spaces ?

    I've Created DEV , UCM and PORTAL schema from RCU. and Then try to install UCM ,when schema passwrd screen appear for LOGIN and Create weblogic domain , It tell me INCORRECT PASSWORD, SO , I've DROP these 3 schema using RCU , during DROP schema, different errors appeared , and I've DELETED the middleware\rcu_Home folder and Unzip the rcu.rar fresh file to the same directory
    when I RUN rcu.bat and selectec CREATE SCHEMA then RCU WOUNDNT ALLOW ME TO CREATE SCHEMAS FOR PORTAL , DEV , UCM ..and also they appear in combo box to select

    I think it only droped not DELETED
    tell me the sqlplus commands fro DELETE schema. and also tell if it is DANGEROUS to delete some schema(example DEV schema) as I'm developing portal via WEBCENTER -Jdeveloper(integrated weblogic) , Xe , RCU, UCM )
