Saturday, October 8, 2011

Red Samurai Social Enterprise Extensions for Oracle WebCenter

Oracle Open World 2011 was super exciting event for Oracle announcements - Larry Ellison announced Oracle Social Network on the Cloud. This is very important for Red Samurai, because we are inline with technology trend - Social Enterprise. Listen our podcast with Oracle - Social Enterprise: Live Podcast at Oracle OpenWorld as I discuss how Red Samurai is helping Oracle WebCenter customers experience the social enterprise with extensions Red Samurai has developed for Oracle WebCenter social business tailored use cases.

We are focusing on five main technology areas and providing Oracle WebCenter extensions for:
  • Business Contextual Messaging (enterprise Facebook approach)
  • Lightweight User Presence (no external communication server required)
  • SAP/Microsoft Integration
  • Documents (extensions for Oracle UCM integration and lightweight document management)
  • Search (simplifying Search across different data sources)

Stay tuned - soon we will release videocast for Red Samurai Business Contextual Messaging extension, implemented on top of Oracle WebCenter Services API.

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