Sunday, September 27, 2009

3G Mobile Internet Usage on Mac OS (Leopard)

This weekend I was using 3G Mobile Internet with my Mac Book Pro, unfortunately network providers usually (with some exceptions) give you client software adopted only for Windows platform. I'm running Windows on Mac OS (Leopard) through VMware Fusion 2.0, however there is a bug in VMware - it can't recognize Mac Book Pro built-in microphone. I can hear, but can't talk - too bad.

But there is quite interesting solution - since I can't configure 3G Mobile Internet device drivers in Mac OS directly, I can access internet connection available in VMware from Mac OS. Thats a bit unusual, in the most of the cases we use Mac OS connection in VMware and not otherwise.

In Mac OS, using AirPort utility, create network:

You create Computer - to - Computer network, set password you want and press Ok:

When Computer - to - Computer network is created, your Mac will not use Wireless connections, it will act as wireless router itself and will utilize available physical networks.

Before starting VMware, make sure you have set Bridged network configuration:

Now its time to start VMware Fusion. When Windows will be up and running, open Network Configuration, you should see there Local Area and your 3G Mobile Internet connections enabled.

If Local Area connection can't get dynamic IP, open network configuration for 3G Mobile Internet connection and set there Internet Connection Sharing option:

Now you should be able to use 3G Mobile Internet directly on your Mac, with VMware Fusion running and acting as internet modem.


  1. Thanks Andrejus for this tip.
    It helped me so much.

  2. There is quite interesting solution - since I can't configure 3G Mobile Internet device drivers in Mac OS directly, I can access internet connection available in VMware from Mac OS
