Sunday, September 27, 2009

User Customizations for Duration of Session in Oracle ADF 11g

In Januray, I was blogging about very useful component in ADF Faces Rich Client - Panel Collection. However I got a comment, where user was saying that provided features most likely will not be accepted by the end users (mostly because UI changes were not persisted). That's true, in our project we also were hearing similar complains. Good news today, ADF 11g R1 provides User Customization per Duration of Session, and also its possible to configure persistence Across Sessions using MDS. Today I will quickly show how user changes are stored during active session, without MDS.

Download sample application - In order to implement persistence of user changes during active session, just go to ViewController project properties and in ADF View section set Enable User Customizations For Duration of Session.

Thats it, pretty straightforward. Now how it works - let's open page with Query Criteria and results table:

First column is FirstName, second column is LastName - let's swap those columns and put LastName column as first:

Press Close button to return to Index page:

As it was working before, if user will open same page with Query Criteria and results table, FirstName would be again as first column. But now, since we have enabled User Customizations and it works - as first column will remain LastName:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Andrejus,

    I was creating a proof of concept app for saving searches across sessions using MDS.
    I did use your sample application and added the following to make it work:

    Code to adf-config.xml as mentioned in
    ADF Authentication & Authorization
    Also I checked "Across Sessions using MDS" instead of "For duration of Session"

    It does work fine.

    Thanks for your sample app :)

    - Husain

  3. Hi Husain,

    Thanks a lot for exploring it and posting your findings. I'll update my sample in next post accordingly.

