Thursday, October 31, 2019

Getting Your Hands Dirty with TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras API

Diving into technical details of the regression model creation with TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras API. In TensorFlow 2.0, Keras comes out of the box with TensorFlow library. API is simplified and more convenient to use.

Read the complete article here.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

SEO for Single Page Oracle (SPA) JET Application

This is a quick tip post related to Oracle JET.

SEO (search engine optimization) is a must for a public website or public-facing app. Search engines do indexing well for static HTML pages. Oracle JET on contrary follows SPA (single page application) approach with dynamic UI. This makes it harder for the search engines to build an index for such an app. The same applies to any other SPA implementations with Angular, React, Vue.js, etc.

If you want to build SEO support for Oracle JET, similar solutions as for Angular, React or Vue.js SPAs apps can be applied.

One of the simpler and reliable solutions - generate static HTML pages for Oracle JET SPA app. You can follow this article, it explains how the same can be done for Angular - SEO for Single Page Applications.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Machine Learning with SQL

Python (and soon JavaScript with TensorFlow.js) is a dominant language for Machine Learning. What about SQL? There is a way to build/run Machine Learning models in SQL. There could be a benefit to run model training close to the database, where data stays. With SQL we can leverage strong data analysis out of the box and run algorithms without fetching data to the outside world (which could be an expensive operation in terms of performance, especially with large datasets). This post is to describe how to do Machine Learning in the database with SQL.

Read more in my Towards Data Science post.