It was interesting for me to create a content repository for portlet, based on Oracle TopLink object-relational mapping. Developed sample, demonstrates how to use standard portlets with TopLink and how to integrate portlets into ADF application. Sample contains two workspaces, this means that it is based on two independent samples - PortletProvider and PortletConsumer.
PortletProvider implements a portlet along with content repository. PortletConsumer consumes implemented portlet and provides additional logic. Both parts are based on standard HR schema and use TopLink in Model layer.
It is time to describe a business logic of developed application. There are two pages - viewJobs.jspx and editJob.jspx, first page is developed using ADF Faces components and displays a list of jobs, in the second page developed portlet is used. When a job is selected for editing, ADF Faces form is displayed, where job data can be updated. Additionally, a portlet is included into editJob.jspx, this portlet provides a list of employees assigned to the selected job.
In PortletProvider, I'm retrieving employees list by provided jobId, using TopLink Session query.
This method is called from portlet's view.jsp page. So, in such way it is possible to use as a content repository for portlet not only Web page, CSV file or RSS but also data stored in the database, through object-relational mapping.
PortletConsumer consumes deployed portlet and shows it in editJob.jspx. With WebCenter it becomes possible to use portlets in the same page where ADF Faces components are used and even enable communication between a portlet and ADF Faces component. Below I'm demonstrating how it looks in practice.
Let's say we want to edit job entry data for Programmer position:
When Edit button is clicked, selected row jobId attribute value is passed to edit page, where data for edit form and portlet is retrieved using supplied jobId. In editJob.jspx ADF Faces form component and portlet are used:
If we will select another job, for example - Finance Manager:
Then only one employee will be returned by portlet:
the link to your sample project is not working, It'll be much appreciated if you re-upload it again.
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