Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Date Format Handling in Oracle JET

Oracle JET comes with out of the box support for date converter, check more about it in cookbook - Date Converter. This makes it very handy to format dates in JavaScript. Here is date picker field example with yyyy-MM-dd format applied:

When button Process is pressed, I take date value from date picker and add one day - result is printed in the log. This is just to test simple date operation in JavaScript.

Date picker is defined by JET tag. Format is assigned through converter property:

Current date is displayed from observable variable. This variable is initialized from current date converted to local ISO. Converter is configured with pattern. In the JS method, where tomorrow date is calculated - make sure to convert from ISO local date:

Hope this simple example helps you to work with dates in Oracle JET application. Source code is available on my GitHub directory.

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