While installing WebCenter Suite 11g, during prerequisites check, three Linux libraries were missing in my case:
- sysstat-5.0.5-1.i386.rpm
- compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2.i386.rpm
- compat-db-4.1.25-9.i386.rpm
As George mentions, you can use yum or apt-get to install those libraries, however you will need to have subscription to Linux support then. I'm not using support subscription for Oracle Enterprise Linux, so I did libraries update manually.
First, I downloaded missing libraries from RPM Search site. Just type there library name you are looking for, and you are ready to download. After you will get required libraries, switch to super user mode with su command in Linux shell and type rpm -ihv libraryname to install it.
When required libraries will be installed, WebCenter Suite 11g installation prerequisites check will pass without warnings.
there is nice trick to configure yum to use the OEL DVD Image as repository.
The post is in german but main configurations are obvious I think http://padora.blogspot.com/2009/07/telde-konfiguration-yum-unter-oel-53.html
Of course for one or two packages you can just install them from the OEL installation DVD/CDROMs. I wouldn't recommend just getting Linux RPMs off the internet though - you don't know how they've been built so introduce an unknown into your environment.
Right, just in case you want it quick, it takes time to download additional 1 GB disk. In my case it was for development tests, its fine then.
Thanks for useful hint.
I was following outlined instructions and installed WebCenter 11g components successfully. However, I want to mention one more hint in addition to post above. This hint is about Linux libraries prerequisites for WebCenter 11g installation.
While installing WebCenter Suite 11g, during prerequisites check, three Linux libraries were missing in my case:
* sysstat-5.0.5-1.i386.rpm
* compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2.i386.rpm
* compat-db-4.1.25-9.i386.rpm
Recently I just came across a good article on "Linux"
Here is its link.
Thanks Andrejus , You made my life easy by pointing to right package. Even Soa suite 11...3 require same library.
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