Thursday, February 19, 2015

ADF BC Range Paging and REST Pagination

In this post I would like to explore and integrate two thing - ADF BC Range Paging and REST service pagination. It would inefficient to retrieve entire set of data in the REST service, ideally should be available option to specify number of rows and range number to fetch. ADF BC allows to query VO in Range Paging mode - SQL query will be constructed with row numbers, to query data in certain range of rows (this allows to fetch less data from DB). We could combine this with REST service and provide light interface to access data.

Here you can download sample application - (compiled with ADF 12c). I'm translating ADF BC VO structure into HashMap, this allows to publish unified structure through REST, without creating a separate POJO object. There is a special generic method called toHashMap, it iterates over VO attributes and constructs a HashMap with attribute names and values:

Generic AM method accepts parameters for page number and range size. Here we enforce Range Paging mode for VO and using ADF BC API methods to scroll to the certain page and set the range size (number of rows to fetch). It is important to get results from default rowset, otherwise ADF BC will generate a separate default SQL query:

ViewController project contains a list of references to the REST and Jersey related libraries, these extra libraries are required to transform HashMap to the REST response:

Here is the REST method. I'm accessing ADF BC Application Module and invoking custom method, with range size and page number coming from the REST request. Result is a list of HashMaps - a set of VO rows:

Make sure there is Jersey servlet defined in web.xml, REST request will not work without it:

Here is the example, where I perform a request through REST for rangePage = 1 and rangeSize = 10. This means 10 rows from the first page of rows are fetched:

You should check SQL query in the log. REST request from above generates a special SQL with ROWNUM. This means we are retrieving less data from DB, only data we need to display in the current page:

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