Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ADF 19 Demo from Oracle Open World San Francisco

ADF 19 was announced by Shay Shmeltzer at OOW'18. Expect to have many bug fixes and improvements in this release. I have recorded two videos demonstrating:

1. Client side responsive layout
2. Vertical tabs with text labels
3. ADF list with swipe option
4. New client side date components
5. Client LOVs with search and custom result list

Part I demo:

Part II demo:

Slides from the session:

1. Oracle ADF 19 - What's Next

2. What's New in ADF Faces


Timo said...

Thank you very much, Andrejus :)


Kapil Singh said...

New stuff to ADF yea, but nothing that has wowed me.

Andrej Baranovskij said...

It is not supposed to wow, check the slide - evolution release with bug fixes and enhancement, but not revolution release. We dont need revolution, we need stabilized and solid release.


Unknown said...

Thank you !!!!! Andrejus :)

Timo said...

Where is the like button?

You are absolutely right.


mahisanthiblog said...

Thanks Andrejus.. :)

Unknown said...

Great info😀

Belal Abdalhuk said...

Thanks Andrejus.. :)
A good release to better stability.

Anonymous said...

hi Andrejus,

do we have any status on the release date yet.


Andrej Baranovskij said...

We should ask Oracle about it. Please ask on twitter.


David Gress said...

Andrejus - have they fixed the REST App Module bug that you had made post about? how about the other one you found on Instance Name being wrong for VOImpl methods? They are still in

Andrej Baranovskij said...

Hi David,

Unfortunately, I don't have any info about issues fixed in 19c. We need to wait and see.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andrejus, can you tell me when this version will be available to download it? I am waiting for it and I am anxious to put my hands on it..

Andrej Baranovskij said...

I wish I would know. Only Oracle people from DEV tools department could know it. But I doubt Oracle would disclose this info.
