Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oracle Offline Persistence Toolkit - Before Request Sync Listener

One more post from me related to Oracle Offline Persistence Toolkit. I already described how after request listener could be useful to read response data after sync - Oracle Offline Persistence Toolkit - After Request Sync Listener. Today will explain when before request listener could be useful. Same as after request listener, it is defined during persistence manager registration:

Before request listener must return promise. We can control resolved action. For example if there is no need to update request, we simply return continue. We would need to update request, if same row is updated multiple times during sync. Change indicator value must be updated in request payload. We read latest change indicator value from array, initialised in after request listener. Request payload is converted to JSON, value updated and then we construct new request and resolve it with replay. API allows to provide new request, by replacing original:

Here is the use case. While offline - update value:

While remaining offline, update same value again:

We should trace executed requests during sync, when going online. First request, initiated by first change is using change indicator value 292:

Second request is using updated change indicator value 293:

Without before and after request listener logic, second request would execute with same change indicator value as the first one. This would lead to data conflict on backend.

Sample application code is available on GitHub.

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